Monday 13 September 2010

Sabotaged By A Slug

Picture the scene, Sunday night, 2 days before departure. Having a nice family meal, shooting the breeze. Monday was to be a leisurely day with Barbara ( my staff ) doing the postage and stuff  with me just in the background doing bits and pieces before departing on Tuesday morning. 

Suddenly all the lights and electrics go out. Must be a power cut ? No all the lights are on next door. Went to the mains switch  board to find it had tripped. While we could get the lights back on the power to all the sockets is OFF. Disaster one day to go, no power = no computer = postage and business cannot be attended to. Yikes!!!

Monday morning phoned my electrician who shot round straight away. Must be a short, could be an appliance causing it, need to unplug EVERYTHING, kitchen just about dismantled to get at the plugs for the fridge, dishwasher, cooker, microwave, etc.................................... sometime later, no its not any of that. What about the external socket on the back wall which powers the pump in the pond? Well its dry inside but will open it right up to check, THERE IT WAS. A large piratically fried slug. Somehow it had got in and slithered over the neg and positive of the ring mains and Pow. 

So £80 later and a couple of hours putting the kitchen back together we have lift off and everything working again apart from Barbara's and my own nerves.

So having postponed everything we were going to do on Sunday night to Monday night ( to give us something to do) we are now running about like mad things to get it all done. Never put off to tomorrow what you can do today.

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