Thursday 30 September 2010

Cabo San Lucas

After another day at sea we arrived at Cabo san Lucas which is in Mexico, right at the tip of the Baja penninsula straight down from California. It had been hot in San Diego but now it was hot AND humid. Our shore excursion wasn't leaving until 11.45 so we used the tender to get ashore and had a wander round the harbourside, running the gauntlet of all the locals who wanted you to come on their glass-bottomed boat, ot their water taxi to a local beach, or to go fishing, or to have lunch in their restaurant or simply to buy a hat.  However the harbour was well regulated by security staff and it was spotlessly clean - even the restrooms.
We met our tour guide, signed our lives away on the waiver form and our small group was divided up in to 2 dune buggies - 3 in one and four in the other, with a guide in a buggy at the front an another in the rear.  We shared with a couple from New Jersey and after a quick spin round the car park to check that Rich could work the stick shift, off we set.
The first part of the drive was out along the main strip of shops etc of Cabo and, while it was busy, it was lovely to get a breeze going and we were soon cooler. Our small convoy of brightly coloured buggies attracted waves from quite a few people as we headed out of town. Quite a lot of building work going on and more and more "Americanisation".
We turned off the main road and went down on to the first of the 3 beaches we would be visiting that day.  This was really just a 10 minute photo opportunity stop and then we were off again.  Down a dusty trail and we were at our second stop for more photos.  This beach had a few rocky outcrops which made for some nice pictures as the waves broke over them. Much as we would all have liked to just have jumped in to the sea then and there, we had some more driving to do before we could get our swim.  Graham took over from Rich and then we did  some off road driving along a dried up river bed and out a little bit in to the desert.  The guide explained that there had been a few inches of rain recently and that was why there was some greenery around but he said that as they got further in to the rainy season, the desert would really begin to bloom.  We parked up in the shade of a huge fig tree for a quick stop to have water and some fruit, swap drivers again and then we were off to the final beach and our much anticipated swim.
The guides set us up with beach brollies to provide some shade and then it was in to the Sea of Cortez.  Bliss!!  We were surounded by lots of little fish as we swam and bobbed in the sea and they in turn attracted the pelicans who dived all around us.  We had an hour there which was just about long enough and then it was back to the buggies for the 10  minute drive back in to Cabo.
With hair full of sea salt, sand and dust we headed straight for the shower back on board and then some lunch. From the table we watched jet skis, parascenders and all the other small craft coming and going.  Apparently, Cabo is a very safe resort with little crime mainly because of its situation.  Being right at the end of the penninsula, its very easy for the police to seal of the road heading north and the only other way out is by ferry, so again easy for the authorities to deal with.
The show in the evening was a ventriloquist so we saw that and then went for dinner.  We have an eclectic mix at our table this time. Two retired ladies from Florida, one of whom is also taking the watercolor painting classes on board and sounds like she has led a fascinating life; a retired couple from Connecticut who are in the process of moving to Florida and their friend and a retired couple from Kent who love Scotland and visit as often as they can. He's retired from the Met and she was also in the police force but then moved to the NHS and is now involved in Industrial Tribunal work and he's a school governor. At least its a full table most nights, although we have missed one night so far.

After dinner we sat out at the bar which is at the stern and had coffee under the stars. Being so far south, its now really warm and humid at night, great to sit out.
Another sea day tomorrow and then Acapulco.....

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