Thursday 23 September 2010

Heading to Victoria BC

My turn to do the blog, Fiona is a bit under the weather. The sea has been a bit lumpy and Fi has had a touch of Mal De Mer so slept a bit more today leaving me free to loose money in the Casino and read my book. The weather has also gone down hill. Everywhere we went the first 4 days the locals were telling us how unseasonally sunny it was. No clouds for 4 days bright blue skies. However now we are heading back south the clouds have closed in with rain at times. As I write this we are going down the coast of Vancouver Island and it looks a bit like Scotland on a Winters day, with low cloud and mist on the hills.
Tonight we get into Victoria in BC at about 7.15pm but leave again at 11.59pm, so a short stay. Probably just enough time for a bit of a walk down town and back to the ship. Also gets dark at 7.45pm
Of course everybody is coming to the end of their cruise and it is odd that we are staying on board and waving them off in the morning. We will probably agian have a walk around downtown Seattle while the ship is being restocked and cleaned, maybe take a bus tour too.

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