Sunday 3 October 2010


Another early start for our excursion here - it was only just getting light as we headed up for breakfast.  This area of Mexico started to be developed by the government in 1983 specifically as a holiday resort so again we weren't sure what to expect but it was lovely.  No high rise developement has preserved the look of the coastline and the port itself is built around a lovely little harbour.
Our sister ship, Celebrity Milleneum, was already docked as we pulled in so suddenly there was a potential 4,000 people ready to hit the road.  We met up with our small group of 13 who were all going kayaking down the Codolita river.
Our "bus" transport looked like an old San Francisco tram - all wood and stained glass but i think it only had 2 gears and struggled a bit on the hills.  However we made it safely to the river and our starting point.  Being the rainy season, the river was a bit higher than depicted in the picture of this particular excursion on the website, but off we set and once on the river it wasn't as bad as it had looked at first site.
We did get soaked though, just as well we had our swimsuits on underneath.  We exited the river just before it entered the ocean - soggy but in one piece. We then had a short scramble though the jungle before we walked back to the road through a new archaelogical park whch isn't open to the general public until December.
Back on the "bus" we headed for a small beach where we could have a beer and watch the waves or have a swim. 
Getting out of our wet clothes was a priority once we had been dropped back at the ship but we headed out again for a quick stroll around the pretty harbour area to take some photos.  "Milleneum" left before us and there were cries of "See you in a couple of days" from one ship across to the other as they pulled out - we had been berthed alongside each other with just the width of the jetty in between. We were slightly delayed in leaving because of another "nearly missed the boat" couple but they were dropped off by a a security truck at the last minute, again to cheers and clapping from those on deck.

Another formal dinner and then the show which was the Celebrity singers and dancers in a disco themed 70s show - really good.  A midnight stroll round the deck in the warm night air and that was goodby to Mexico.
Overnight and tomorrow we sail down past Guatemala, Equador and Honduras before our next port of call - Costa Rica where we're going on an excursion to a coffee plantation. 

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