Wednesday 11 August 2010

5 weeks to go

Approaching 50 years on the planet FAST we have decided that working hard should pay some rewards and so we have booked a 4 week back to back cruise starting in Las Vegas. I know some of you will be thinking that Las Vegas is no where near the ocean, but we are starting with 3 days there then flying to Seatlle to catch the BIG boat. Heading from there to Canada & Alaska and then south down the Californian coast to Mexico, Costa Rica and then east through the Panama Canal before finally ending up in Florida and flying home from Miami.

 Although we've cruised several times, we've never cruised with this particular line (Celebrity Cruises), nor have we been away for so long before. With only a 23kg baggage allowance its going to be difficult deciding what to take especially as we'll be going from what will probably be quite chilly weather in an Alaskan autumn to hot and humid when we reach Central America. Tough decisions to make before we even leave home!

Its gonna be a tough job but someone has to do it, swabbing the decks

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